Approval of Activities - Delegated approval to Leaders
The rules of Scouting (P.O.R rule 9.1.b) state that “The District Commissioner is responsible for approving all activities for Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorer Scouts. This will usually be by means of an informal system agreed between the District Commissioner and each Group Scout Leader or District Explorer Scout Commissioner.”
The District Executive Committee, working with the Regional Commissioner, have agreed the attached document which sets out the system of delegation we’ll be using in P&K with immediate effect. This should be applied to all sections, Groups and Units. The system of delegation described in the document should pretty well reflect current practices in place across the District and not be seen as a barrier to providing exciting and challenging programmes. If you have any questions regarding this please let me know.
Please remember that all Scouting activities should now be subject to a written Risk Assessment. I know several Groups are developing their own “library” of RA’s for leaders to share, which is great. If you need to copy some draft Assessments or see the instructions concerning Risk Assessments generally, please take a look at the Scouts website -
If in any doubt please get in touch with District Commissioner , P&K Scouts