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Currently, all sections for young people (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers) are over-subscribed, and we are applying our waiting list policy at a meeting on the 9th of December to make decisions on to whom we can offer spaces.  As you know, we prioritise those children whose parents/carers are able to support the Group by volunteering - either as a leader or as a Trustee.

There is a little more information below on what those roles entail - some of you have already ticked the "willing to volunteer" box, but I want to be sure you know what you're signing up for.

3 Dec 24
Two young Scouts and a Scout Leader hand the Queen a bunch of flowers.

As a gesture of respect, and in line with precedent from Scouts Scotland, we are postponing our Annual Gathering and AGM this Sunday.  A revised date will be set in due course.

HM The Queen was our Patron and a great supporter of Scouts. She believed in the fun, adventure and skills for life we provide to young people.  Meetings of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will continue next week.

9 Sep 22

The minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held on 25 October 2021 have been approved and available for download,

18 Jan 22

We are currently looking for up to 3 new members to join the Dunning Scout Group Executive Committee (the Trustees, commonly known as the 'Exec') for the coming year. Any over 18s can apply, and we're looking for a cross-section of Exec members who represent the local community and our Scout Group

31 Aug 21

Hot off the press...

Our latest newsletter can be downloaded below: a fabulous read with great articles on:

  • The Kincladie Shelter
  • Recent awards
  • News from our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts sections
  • Focus on George and Henry
  • Interview with our Group Scout Leader

Image of newsletter front page

22 Jun 21
Scotland is at Yellow - getting back together safely

From 17 May 2021, Scotland moves to Yellow readiness level.

Indoor activities are now allowed, but outdoor activities are still preferred and should be encouraged.

17 May 21
Amber readiness

Following the recent announcement from the Scottish Government relating to some easing of restrictions and in line with the strategic framework, Scouting in Scotland (along with other youth work providers) remains at Amber readiness level with the reduction to Covid Level 3 on Monday 26th April. 
Groups will be allowed to meet outdoors in group sizes of 30, this includes young people and adults. Changes to meetings in Kincladie and Dunning will be rolled out over the next couple of weeks.

25 Apr 21
Amber readiness

Following the recent announcement from the Scottish Government relating to some easing of restrictions and in line with the strategic framework, Scouting in Scotland (along with other youth work providers) will be moving back to the Amber readiness level from Friday 12 March 2021. More information at
Groups will be allowed to meet outdoors in group sizes of 15, this includes young people and adults. We will make an announcement on how our programme will launch in Dunning very shortly.

11 Mar 21

Following the announcements by the UK and Scottish governments on 4 January 2021, face-to-face meetings in Scouting are suspended. This will be reviewed by Scottish government on 18 January, although meetings are unlikely to start again before February 2021.

More information can be found at

Please stay safe and ensure you spread only kindness.

7 Jan 21


Latest articles



Currently, all sections for young people (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers) are over-subscribed, and we are applying our waiting list policy at a meeting on the 9th of December to make decisions on to whom we can offer spaces.  As you know, we prioritise those children whose parents/carers are able to support the Group by volunteering - either as a leader or as a Trustee.

There is a little more information below on what those roles entail - some of you have already ticked the "willing to volunteer" box, but I want to be sure you know what you're signing up for.

3 Dec 24
Two young Scouts and a Scout Leader hand the Queen a bunch of flowers.

As a gesture of respect, and in line with precedent from Scouts Scotland, we are postponing our Annual Gathering and AGM this Sunday.  A revised date will be set in due course.

HM The Queen was our Patron and a great supporter of Scouts. She believed in the fun, adventure and skills for life we provide to young people.  Meetings of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will continue next week.

9 Sep 22

The minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held on 25 October 2021 have been approved and available for download,

18 Jan 22

We are currently looking for up to 3 new members to join the Dunning Scout Group Executive Committee (the Trustees, commonly known as the 'Exec') for the coming year. Any over 18s can apply, and we're looking for a cross-section of Exec members who represent the local community and our Scout Group

31 Aug 21


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