We are the tea-makers, tidy-uppers and general fixits to keep all our Scouting activity going. We also support the Leaders by assisting on some of our residential trips and more involved activities.
The Group's Trustee Board (previously know as the Executive Committee - or "Exec") plays a vital role in the running of a Scout Group. Trustees make decisions and carry out administrative tasks to ensure that the best quality Scouting can be delivered to young people in the Group. We also manage the finances and oversee running of the whole group, and we are registered with OSCR.
We have a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, up to 6 Elected Members, plus additional co-opted members. All posts are held for up to 3 years, and elections take place during our Annual Gathering (usually held August/September in the village or Kincladie Woods).
26th Perthshire (Dunning) Scout Group (also known as the 'Dunning Scout Group') is registered as a charity in Scotland with OSCR, number SC050026.
Trustees 2023-24
- Robert Carr (Chair)
- Carol Hopkins (Secretary)
- Valle Ruiz-Diver (Treasurer)
- Nathan Critchlow-Watton (GSL)
- Ruth Emond (ESL)
- Ewan Cameron (SL)
- Scott Hewitt (CSL)
- Pete Diver (BSL)
- Kate Lewis-Mairs (Fundraising)
- Paul Kimber (Property)
- Kevin McKechnie (Equipment)
- Grant Frogley (Maintenance)